Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soul Eater Sonorite Doujinshi

Forbidden to Forbid. Anonymous

"No Ban" was one of the most famous phrases of "May 68." I had then with only five years but has been a theme I have checked, and that after its apparent contradiction lies a great philosophy.

I've always thought that banning "because" is the easy of an unwillingness to sit down to think, to negotiate and agree, and not recognize their lack of ability or attitude, always ended with 'this is "asynchronous" because I leave "Aquino" 'and it was all arreglao.

comes this in relation to the unnecessary polémina has unleashed the famous "Article 26" of the COAC. I say unnecessary because it is precisely in this year of crisis is at least missing had.

Many of the speeches I've read come from participants outside of Cadiz and have seen little of the cup that have expressed their opinion for or against. Perhaps it is that I have not read all, I dunno, but good as an amateur, I'll say what I think, that I always liked getting wet.

Let the "poblem" The endless Qualifying Phase. It really is very long and tedious in many sessions. The only logical solution is to reduce the number of groups ... but how? ...

Solution have given : Well, just come the groups that want to participate in the Carnival Cadiz, but prohibited from participating in the Contest in any other contest more.

What they get? well, apart from pissing off the staff, as the group that wants to come to Cadiz, you have to leave their Competition and Festival, which is totally unfair. Logically, I'll give my competition aside and my people, therefore, do not go to failure. Come, take off your group a lot of the way! What semos ready!

easy remedy, but only in the short term. Knowing certain "bosses" of the party I think this idea has been hatched from the intention of seeking a solution the subject. I think it arises, rather, as little lucid response to the anger of some that the number of contracts this year from Cadiz groups has fallen considerably, since as there is little bit of money, various sites have opted to hire groups of town have also gone to failure and, therefore, also have a "cache."

I'm not against you earn money with the groups, but there are groups that they forget what they are because there's Carnival, but the carnival is bigger than all of them. You can earn money from the Fiesta, but do not use the Fiesta just to make money.

one wants to streamline the competition, I just think that what needs to be determined is the maximum number of clusters per phase and per session and multiply. Gentlemen! as supporting the logistics of this are 120, 130, 140 or 150 groups ... as "numbers clausus", as the University, and stop here, who wants to give legs in the ass to sign up.

This is the rough idea, with which it may or may not agree, but in principle does not discriminate, nor force anyone to choose. From there, qualifying the pros and cons. For example, this number is there a need to reserve a portion for groups of Cadiz? Should they be avoid increasing the security for people who sign up then do not appear? ... Birth of a proposal or two or three ...., open a dialogue and come to a consensus that does not infringe logical and elementary things.

opens brainstorming, I've launched a ... and now, like finishing the paso doble to "Sosiasión of Dirertores" "If there is anyone who wants to discuss, po put me here and sing me otherwise"


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