Monday, March 2, 2009

Scorpio Man The Flirt

straw tail?

ahora ke carajos me invento?
Incredible but true the CUT have a tail of straw ... will that unions do not pay well to its members and these will have to go to seek to sell pies to the FARC?

union Curious that a man belonging to an NGO with recognizable connections with the intellectual wing of the FARC (Note that I'm not talking about Colombian @ s for peace) and in addition to having state protection, this man is reunited with aka "The Black" ... Pure coincidence?

CUT like the rest of intellectuals are just as forgetful Colombians do not mention anything and expect the smoke to dissipate scandal as quickly as the attacks in Cali.

Knowing this news brings me back to memory as former members of ECOPETROL the years 80 and 90 to pay the ELN would bomb the pipelines and how these "unionists" by contractors were to "miti-miti. Now, that radical trade unionism in Colombia is not filtered by the FARC is like denying that the advertising makes POLO allegorical to the FARC.

To these he says the president of the CUT? Believes that the pole? A smoke screen? or go out with the story of JARA, that the guerrillas are humane and are good PARTNERS?


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